Tuesday, April 30, 2013

toss it out into the universe and it will come back to you

in february, my main squeeze and i participated in a neighborhood fun run.  it was my best timed 5k. (yay!)  while there, i won a raffle.  I WON!  guess what it was?  no, guess.  no really, i'll wait.  guess.  okay fine.  you're no fun.  *pout*

it was a road id.  remember when i was talking about it here?  yeah, me neither.

i won a road id!  i am excited to order it and parade around in it... i mean, wear on my next run.  what should be my slogan?

Friday, April 26, 2013


advice from hal higdon on facebook:

TIP OF THE DAY: There are three ways to improve as a runner: 1) run more miles; 2) run what miles you run faster; or 3) continue to run the same number of miles at the same pace, assuming consistency will allow you some improvement. It will, but the other two routes maybe offer a more effective way to achieve your performance goals. Be aware, however, that when you run farther and also run faster, you may increase your risk of injury.

huh.  that was quick.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

buying a treadmill

i found the treadmill my gym uses (life fitness hr9500) on craigslist for $1300. the seller is willing to come down to $1100. i think it is a fair price for the quality of the treadmill. they are being sold on ebay for $750-$2300, and refurbished with a warranty for $1995.

if i am going to buy another treadmill, i want a commercial quality treadmill. i have bought and sold two other treadmills for not being solid enough or wide enough. i have $940 in cash but would have to borrow the rest from my hubby. i know i am going to lay down some change for a good treadmill, but i am just not sure that I want to spend that much. i mentally set a cap for myself at $1000.  i think i would be willing to meet in the middle at $1025.

i love this brand of treadmill.  it is easy to use and is reliable.  buying it would save me from going to the gym, but i can go to the gym for 3 years on that amount of money. however, there are many times that i want to run but just don't feel like going to the gym or the gym is closed.

i am very conflicted.  that is a ton of money.  what would you do?

Monday, April 22, 2013

hockey reward

both boys scored their first goal in ice hockey!  they were also named player of the game.

as a reward we took them for malts and burgers from gunther toody's.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

the weather

the weather this week has not been great...

...so i am thankful for the sun we had today.

we had a great time tailgating.  good company and better food.  there was steak, salmon, chicken brats, spinach avocado salad, pasta salad, goat cheese and blueberries salad, watermelon, bean and corn dip, 6 types of chips, booze, sugar cookies and more.  nom!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


this week is mired in tragedy, Lord, and i ask you to be with us in our anger and as we grieve.  i ask for forgiveness for the blame game we play as a nation, for the spiteful things we say about each other, for the glee we take in making others look bad.  i ask for wisdom in our leaders and media.  i ask for strength for the victims, and gratitude for all of us.  i ask for mercy on the bomber, that when he is caught he will be remorseful.  i ask for moments of joy that remind us how wonderful this life is.  help us to turn away from sin and towards the truth.  hold me nearer to you so i can feel your presence guiding my choices.  amen.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

thoughts on the boston marathon

here are some posts i made on facebook about the bombings:

Boston feels deeply personal to me. The bomber was not going after the runners. The bomber was going after spectators. The bomber was going after my husband, my boys, my family and friends who watch me run. That scares me.

But I know I have things I want to do. I know my body is not as strong as I'd like. I know I will not let that stop me. I know I may pause at the finish line, but I will not freeze. I'm going to cross anyway. I know my family will be there to cheer me on. I know we will not let fear control us. I know you will not win. I will win. I will run and run and run. Spectators will still watch me run. To spite you.

I run. I won't stop. I run not only in remembrance of Boston, but also for the 31 other deaths yesterday due to bombings. I run because terrorism is not okay. Ever. I run. I won't stop.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


i don't think there are enough words to describe just how much i love yogacycle.


that is all.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

no improvement?

last year's platte river half - 3:04
this year's platte river half - 3:01

three minutes is not much improvement.  what am i doing wrong?  i (incorrectly) assumed that i would naturally get faster as i put in more miles.  i hit a little over 800 miles during last year, so apparently mile-time is not helping.

i don't do speed work.  i don't really know what doing speed work means.  but if i am serious about wanting to improve, it looks like i need to figure it out.

Monday, April 8, 2013

another platte river recap

what a gorgeous day for a run!  blue sky, sunny, warm - much different than last year.  i met up with t and r at the portapotties for a photo op.
the platte river trail is not that pretty, but it has its moments.
i went to boxing on thursday.  it was pretty intense.  so intense that my thighs were still sore on sunday.  nothing horrible, but i definitely wasn't in top form.  i was also sporting my brand new shoes.  this was their first 13 miles.  i decided to break them in.  aren't they so pretty?  they treated me fairly well, until i got a small blister on my right foot at mile 12.  can't really complain about that.  plus, aren't they so pretty?
i crossed the start line about five minutes after 8am.  i completed the first mile in 13 minutes and felt pretty good.  mile two was done in 11 minutes.  mile three was back at 13 minutes.  the soreness in my thighs started to relax and go away.  my plan was to run 2 songs, walk 1 and try to keep a consistent pace, but by mile four, i had to walk.  mile four took 17 minute.
mile five went pretty quickly with another 11 minute mile.  i stopped for a quick 3 minute bathroom break and mile six was slower at 14 minutes.  mile seven and eight were both a steady 13 minutes.
t finished right when i hit mile nine.  she is so speedy.  my thighs started to get uncomfortable again so i walked mile nine in 20 minutes.  along the way, i met chuck.  say hi to chuck.  chuck is 80 and still running half marathons.  eight. zero. isn't that amazing? i hope i am still active at that age.  heck, i hope i am still around at that age.  chuck took my picture running.  chuck is a good guy.

mile ten was a 10 minute mile, which i was please with.  i stopped for another 3 minute bathroom break.  mile eleven was 13 minutes.  mile twelve was a little bit faster at 12 minutes.  i just wanted to get to the finish line.  the hill this year wasn't so horrible because a) i knew about it and b) i didn't have to re-run up it three times chasing a stupid hat.  although the bridge did seem to last forever.  the last mile point one took 15 minutes.  my official time was 3:00:58, an average of 13:48 minute miles.
i admit to being disappointed that my time wasn't that much faster than last year's.  i crossed the finish line and got my shiny medal.  my husband and boys were at the finish line to cheer me on.  i am conflicted about how the race went.  on one hand, i had a few pretty good miles, but on the other, i do not see much improvement in my speed.  three minutes off does not seem impressive at all.
shiny, shiny medal.  i am never disappointed in you.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

your skirt or mine?

what do you think of running skirts?  personally, i love them. i love how it fits and i love how it makes me feel.

two that i wear are skirtsports and running skirts.  in fact, i don't wear anything but skirts to run in.

apparently, there is some controversy on looking cute while running.  it is not done if you are 'serious' about running.  who gets to decide these things?  who gets to make the comment that a 'true runner' wears running shorts?  who says that you can't wear the event shirt until after they have 'earned' it?

i don't get it.

on one hand, running is the most inclusive sport out there.  and on the other, there is always someone trying to perfect the ranks so that we all run the same and look the same and sound the same.

i am going to continue to wear skirts and feel cute when i am running.  try and stop me from claiming to be a runner.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

new shoes

my old running shoes have died.  they hurt my feet, knees and hips every time i wear them.  i have a half marathon on sunday and i am not sure what to do.  do i wear the new shoes that aren't broken in, or wear the old shoes that have no cushion?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

lent has ended and He has risen

for lent, instead of giving something up, i added something in.  a walk everyday.  i ended up missing a few days, but walked or ran a total of 93 miles.

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