Thursday, May 30, 2013

i won an award

i won an award for being an inspiring blogger from logan. there are rules to accepting the award, but i have never been very good at following rules so i am just going to say 'thank you'.

i am very touched and flattered that my words have meaning to someone other than myself.  thanks for reading!

Monday, May 20, 2013

colfax half marathon recap

hi dad! another year down.  the anniversary of your death was easier this year.  we made a cake and had a little celebration in your memory this morning.  the boys are getting to be so big.  you'd be impressed with them.  they bring you up often and i know they miss you watching them play sports.  unlike you, they like to cook and help out in the kitchen.  :)  i spent yesterday in the company of firemen.  no, the boys didn't burn the house down.  i did the colfax half again.
the start time was later by an hour, which i appreciated.  my morning did not feel rushed to get to the race.  when i met up with marlene, however, i realized that i had forgotten mascara (again).  now, i know i can survive a half marathon without mascara, but... firemen!  at mile 8.  and mile 11.  and the finish.  firemen!  t wasn't with us for the half because she wimped out and did the full. (ha! see what i did there?)
we saw some really cool shirts.
and people running in remembrance of boston.
and we got to run through the zoo.
marlene and i had a respectable pace going.  it was a little slower than i felt capable of, but this was her first half marathon and she had struggled with the longer training runs.  i can relate to that.  (even though i have done a pretty good job at being consistent lately.)  they had free runner tracking, so we were right on pace for an under 3 hour finish up to mile 6 and a little over 3 hours by mile 8.
we walked miles 9, 10 and 11.
i took my picture with the firemen, but marlene said that she couldn't stop moving or she just stop.  she missed out.  they were hunky.  i am not sure hot half-naked firemen make 13.1 worth it, but it definitely helps.
we started running again (15 second run, 1 minute walk) at mile 12.  we met up with the marathoners at mile 13 and sprinted to the finish.  t finished her marathon a few minutes before marlene and i crossed the end.  4:44 was her marathon time.  seriously, no words for that girl.  no. words.  we finished in 3:27.  i'd say marlene is pooped.  (but there is a hint of a smile. do you see it? i think she's hooked.)
the bling is pretty fantastic this year.  i heart this medal.
i am grateful i didn't have a breakdown this year.  and the lack of mascara did not affect my performance, although i still don't recommend it.  :)  i really loved running through the zoo.  it was a neat experience dad; you would have liked it.  i miss you.  happy three years in heaven.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

vote for our team name

Rookies running the rockies
Ragnar rookies
No dudes, 24 boobs
We were promised a mountain lion
We're just here for the view
We got the runs
I am only running this fast because I have to pee
Team road kill
Run for the hills
Wine and wonderbras
Funner runner club
Wicked women warriors
Just average Janes
Our van is faster than yours
Who needs sleep?
Your pace or mine?
No runner left behind
Runners have more runs
Farklets are funny
Highly winded
Did it just get longer and harder?
Help, I can't turn off the treadmill
Friends with slow paces
Keep chasing the open bar
Did I shave my legs for this?
Runners groove
This van's runnin' on empty
What happens in the Ragnar van stays in Ragnar van
Blister competition later
Huffing awesome
I just wanna feel this moment
We can go all night
Our bowling team got lost
Drinking team with a running problem
Tulo-git to quit
This is my community service
Hurts so good
Shower power
Sole satisfaction
I bought new shoes
What hill?
Bad asphalt
We'll leave you breathless
One more mile won't kill you
Pretending to be normal
Altitude adjustment
Swag stealer
No da feet
For the run of it
Chuck Norris said I could finish
We signed up for jury duty...
Turtles unite
Rack pack
Finish your obLONGations
Slept my way to the finish
I didn't get enough gold stars in school

Monday, May 6, 2013

we have a ragnar team!

have you heard of the ragnar?  it's a 24-hour relay race that is 200 miles long.  you run three different legs during the race.  through the mountains.  it's hardcore.

in march, i asked if anyone would want to do this with me.  no surprise that t was in.  :)  it's taken us a while to find 10 other girls as crazy as us, but we have formed a team!

whoohoo! wish all us more-ambition-than-common-sense girls luck!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


dear Lord,
thank you for the blessings you have given me.  help me to be more appreciate of what i have.  i have my health and my family.  i have more material things than i need.  i am surrounded by wonderful beauty.  i am in awe of your generosity.  open my heart to way that i can be more giving.
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